Mountains & Villages of Mallorca
Spain, 7 nights
Please select your preferred start date*
Is your start date flexible?
Calendar grid will be populated dynamically here
Any extra nights on your holiday?
View our recommended hotels for extra nights in the Accommodation section.
Please tell us where you would like to add extra nights, and the number of extra nights you would like to add at each hotel. If the hotel features twice on the holiday, please state if the extra nights are to be added to your first or second stay.
'Extend your stay' option to your holiday?
Please state the extension you wish to make.
Number of traveling people
If there are more than 8 people in your party, please call us on +44(0)1653 617001 to make your booking.
Room types
Double rooms
A room for 2 people with 1 bed.
Twin rooms
A room for 2 people with 2 single beds.
Single rooms
A room for 1 person.
Family rooms
See holiday page for more information.
Hotel options
If there is more than one hotel option, please tell us which you wish to book.
Room options
If there is more than one room upgrade option, please tell us which you wish to book.
Second holiday
You can combine two walking holidays, or a walking holiday and a cycling holiday etc. For advice on travelling between the two, please contact us.
Holiday type*
Holiday location*
Holiday name*
Hotel options*
If there is more than one option, please tell us which you wish to book.
Room options
If there is more than one option, please tell us which you wish to book.
Any extra nights on your holiday*
Please tell us where you would like to add extra nights, and the number of extra nights you would like to add at each hotel. If the hotel features twice on the holiday, please state if the extra nights are to be added to your first or second stay.
'Extend your stay' option to your holiday*
Enquiry reference number:
If you have already contacted us, you may have been given a reference, eg T1234.
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