Partners & charities


Supporting sustainable causes

At Inntravel, we’re serious about protecting and restoring our planet, and we know that we can make a much bigger impact with a little help. That’s why we’re delighted to be working alongside the following partners and charities; together, we’ll be promoting initiatives of all shapes and sizes – from eliminating single-use plastics to developing technologies to remove existing carbon from our world.
Rewilding Britain
Founded in 2015, Rewilding Britain are a small, independent charity making a difference on a national scale. Their immediate goal is to restore 30% of Britain to its natural state by 2030, but they are also looking much further ahead: through their work to revive damaged habitats, re-establish natural processes and reintroduce depleted species, they aim to create truly sustainable communities and offer holistic, long-term ways of tackling the climate emergency. As a charity, Rewilding Britain rely entirely on donations, so we’re very pleased that we’re now able to support their work by making a contribution on behalf of each Inntravel customer.

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Copenhagen-based startup, Klimate, are passionate about helping companies achieve Net Zero through effective and ethical carbon removal technologies. Separate from carbon offsetting, which concentrates on compensating for emissions by making equivalent reductions, carbon removal is focused on lowering the overall concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Klimate source carbon removal technologies from all over the world, analysing both their social and environmental credentials before selecting which projects to endorse. Through Klimate, Inntravel will be supporting multiple carbon removal multiple projects, for a wide-ranging impact.

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Assisting us in our goal of removing single-use plastics from our holidays are Water-to-Go, whose reusable bottles are not only an excellent option environmentally, they also provide travellers with safe drinking water, wherever in the world they may be. This is thanks to their in-built filtration systems, which eliminate up to 99.9% of microbiological contaminants, including viruses, bacteria, chemicals and heavy metals, from all non-salt water sources. Inntravel customers can get a 15% discount on Water-to-Go’s products; plus, for each purchase you make using our unique code, we’ll donate a further 15% to sustainable causes.

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The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
At Inntravel, we value our location in beautiful, rural North Yorkshire, so it’s a natural fit for us to partner with a charity dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring the region’s wildlife and wild places. Every year we donate a portion of our profits to the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, who manage over 100 nature reserves and carry out conservation work right across the county: from creating wetlands from Ripon’s disused quarries to re-establishing oysters in the Humber. The Trust also organise a number of educational initiatives to bring people closer to the countryside, as well as campaigning on key conservation issues to ensure nature’s voice is heard.  

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15% off Water-to-Go bottles

Inntravel customers can get 15% off all Water-to-Go products – including their reusable water bottles with unique filter technology – by using the code INNTRAVEL.

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